Sunday, May 30, 2010

Butterscotch Pie

I am trying to perfect one of the Koning family's favorite desserts. We are BIG fans of butterscotch pie and it is very hard to come by. So, I have set out to get this recipe down. Perhaps I will enter it in this years HHBC pie contest. I do have to defend my title after all!
My first attempt was good but definitely not blue ribbon worthy. The filling was a keeper but the meringue needs work. I don't think Jamie will mind testing out another pie or two while I work out the kinks.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Week 11-Fig

This week baby G is roughly the size of a fig.

Apparently Meijer does not sell fresh figs so I had to make due with the dried variety.

Friday, May 14, 2010

No, I'm not just getting fat!

Because I know that's what you were thinking :)
You may have noticed that the name of my blog has changed. Well, it's because we are adding another chair at our table. That's right, this Thanksgiving we will need reservations for 5!

Fish Tacos

I tried my hand at one of the news trends in food yesterday. I had never had a fish taco but they seem to be all the rage on cooking channels and in restaurants. So, I thought I'd give it a try. They were fabulous! I will definatly make these again soon.
Here is a rough idea of what I did. Sorry I do not have an exact recipe but I did not follow one. I just kind of put it together.
Fish Tacos...
Season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour and pan sear. I then finished it off in the oven.
Assemble Taco-
Lay out 1 whole wheat tortilla.
Place talapia on tortilla.
Top with a handful of shredded cabbage.
Spoon on your favorite salsa (I used Garden Fresh).
Add a couple of slices of Avacado.
Garnish with chopped cilantro and drizzle with fresh lime juice.
Wrap and enjoy.
I served this with a salad of corn, dieced tomatoes, avacado, cilantro and lime juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Laundry-The Bain of my existence

I HATE LAUNDRY! If I could give up any house hold chore it would be laundry, hands down. Dust? Sure. Mop? Okay. Toilets? No biggie. I would gladly do any of them over doing the laundry. I have tried many systems and all of them have failed. One load a day, one laundry day a week, etc. I just seem to be forever drowning in laundry. Perhaps part of my attitude stems from being down in the "dungeon". I hate our cold damp basement and more than one trip down there in a day is just too much for me to bear. Or, perhaps it's the fact that for the last 3 years I have been pregnant or in some stage of baby-land. All of which makes this chore more difficult. Whatever the reason I just don't like doing the laundry. So, here's my question. How do you tackle your laundry? Do you hate it as much as I do? If so, how do you tame your laundry monster?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

She's a lady, whoa, whoa, whoa, she's a lady...

Wordless Wednesday

Chalk board fun

I got my craft on again awhile back and made this chalk board for Nora's room. It was just a plain wooden frame so I modge podged the border on. Then I added the lady bug, glittered imagine and glued it to the top and added a ribbon to hang it on the side of Nora's book case. I found the cute bucket at Walmart on the clearance rack. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out :)