Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My little burn victim

I thought a few of you "readers" might like a little update on the Evster. Yesterday we visited the burn clinic and they were pleased with what they saw. Evie's burns are healing as they should. The blisters have broken and now it is just a process of growing some new skin in those areas. She even got the afternoon off from her bandages however, over the evening and night she seemed to have an increase in redness and iritation etc.

I was thankful to already have an appointment with our doctor for first thing this morning. He reccomended keeping her bandaged for at least a week or so. He is very cautious and wants to make sure to avoid any infection in the area and to allow it sufficient time to heal. He also encouraged me to continue her pain meds to keep her comfortable. I was very thankful he agreed wtih me on that. My mommy heart just can't stand the thought of her hurting, especially since she can't tell me.

All in all Evelyn is great and if she didn't have the visual signs of the burns you wouldn't know she was hurt at all. She is such a trooper! Honestly, the hardest part is changing her bandages. We practically have to wrestle her to the ground to keep her still. I am sure glad for Jamie who is so patient and caring. I wait and handle the dressings until he can help. It is definitly a two man job!

Thanks to my dear friends who are praying for her. Please keep it up as she continues to heal. We are thanking God for protecting her and for giving her such a mellow, go-with-the-flow attitude. She sure is a trooper!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well, I haven't posted a thing since I finished canning. It's not for lack of time or even lack of things to blog about but because I am without my computer. Actually it's sitting right next to me but I have not been able to use it in almost a week. On Tuesday the strangest thing happend. My power cord up and disappeared. I really, truly believe it grew legs and walked away. There is no other explanation. I have searched the house high and low looking for it but it remains a mystery.

At any rate a new one is ordered and I'm sure the day it arrives the other will turn up. But until then, I will have to stick with stealing a few minutes on Jamie's laptop here and there. They are hard to find since he is generally using it!

I hesitate to even mention what has been happening around here as I do not have pictures to go along with the events. Don't you agree that half the fun of reading peoples posts is seeing the visual evidence? Anyway, due to the fact that I am always the LAST one to get pics from my husband and that I am working with unfamiliar equiptment I am left with no choice but to create a picture with my words :)

So, work with me people...

Last weekend Jamie's brother Ryan moved back to Grand Rapids. He will be attending Davenport and pursuing his bachelors degree. This meant that "Grandma G." was able to come up and help him settle into his new place. It also happened to be Nora's birthday. Talk about good timing!

I spent Saturday afternoon decorating and preparing for Nora's party. Can you believer she turned 3! As soon as they are made available to me I will post pics. We had a pink and black theme and I think it turned out pretty cute. My friend Becca even made us a really cool cake to match our color scheme. She did a great job and it tasted oh, so yummy.

Mid week I gave Nora a super cute big girl haircut. Again, pictures will have to follow.

This weekend went a little different than we planned. We were supposed to attend the HHBC youth event at Lake MI. but little miss Evelyn decided a trip to the ER sounded like a better idea. Evie-if you want to spend time with mommy and daddy just tell us. All of the drama really isn't necessary.

Poor Evelyn's curiosity got the best of her and she pulled a cup of hot water directly onto her lap. I have been calling her "trouble" for a few months now and she has officially lived up to her nickname. Thankfully, the Lord protected her and she came through the event with only first and second degree burns. She looks like she has a really bad sunburn and has a few blisters but it really could have been much worse. She is handling it remarkebly well. In fact, other than the bandages you wouldn't know anything was wrong. She seems to be the same happy little girl we've always loved. She has these super cute leg warmers to keep her bandages on too. Pictures of those to come.

Anyway, things have been eventful around here for sure. Here's hoping next week is a little calmer/quieter.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Finished! Finito! Fin! Acabado!

I promise I will stop blogging about peaches now :)

Little Jars of Sunshine

Did you know that canning can be one of the most gratifying process in the world? It's so exciting to me that we can take some of the God's beautiful summer creations and pack them away like little jars of sunshine for the long winter months. And even better yet, when you do it correctly you hear the most wonderful and gratifying sound to confirm your work was not in vein. Each little jar goes "tink" (or clink, pink, ping depending on your perspective) telling you that your hard work has paid off and your harvest is safely protected and ready for you to enjoy on a cold winter day. My sister equated the sound with things like jingle bells at Christmas and sprinklers on a hot summer afternoon and I think she is absolutely right!
So, here is photo documentation of the process because the Geysbeek's don't do anything without taking pictures of it. If you don't have a picture, how do you know it really even happened?
My mission was to take this...

and this...

put them in here...

and with any luck, get this!

And 12 out of 13 times, it's worked! I'm about half way there so hopefully my track record continues. It's really a bummer when you get this...
My husband thinks this is "one of the most complex and intense processes he's ever seen". I'm going to let him keep thinking that in order to preserve my status as the best wife ever and possibly bank some points for a day when I'm feeling slightly less "becky-homecky".

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Any guesses?

So I'm sitting here listening to little "tinks" coming from my kitchen and each one is making me smile. I will post about it tomorrow (hopefully) but in the mean time, any guesses?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Studio 15

I have been meaning to post pictures of my salon for a long time and never remember to bring my camera with me. So, today I arrived a little early and snapped a couple shots of it.

It has been such a great experience to be in this new place. I just love it and look forward to spending time there.

I truly have the best job in the world. You know that excitement you get when you are going to be getting your hair done? You know when you are in need of some girl time when you can relax and be pampered? Imagine getting to be in that setting twice a week!

I am such a lucky girl!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Geysbeek Family Photos

At the end of June my family was able to head down south to visit with my husbands parents and brothers. It had been a LONG time since we had pictures together and have never had nice photos done. We decided to make it a priority to do a family photo session while we were there. Here is a sampling of how they turned out.

Mom and Dad

Grandma and Evelyn

Uncle Ryan, Uncle Adam and the girls

Evelyn Lucille

Nora Caroline

We had a great time on this trip and miss our long distance family very much!