I know, you thought I had fallen off the face of the earth didn't you? Fear not. I've been here. I don't have a great excuse for taking such a long break between posts other than to say I dove in to fall head first. I have been soaking up all the amazing things that fall in Michigan has to offer and loving every minute of it. Fall is my most favorite season. There is nothing about it that I don't like. Well okay, one thing. It leads to winter every stinkin time. We should do something about that...
Anyway, in my mind fall starts in mid September by celebrating my wedding anniversary. That is where I left off with you all and it's where I shall pick up. I know I've said it before but I have the best husband ever. I wanted to share with you something incredibly thoughtful he did for our 5 year anniversary. He called up our wedding cake person and had her make the most adorable mini versions of our wedding cake. He even got the flavors right. Pumpkin Spice cake with a cream cheese filling and Ginger cake with a Carmel butter cream. Phenomenal! Since we didn't really get to eat cake at out reception it was so cool to be able to really enjoy these ones. Aren't they the cutest things ever? Seriously!