Today began just like any other day around here. I had fed the kids, dressed them and we had made it to morning nap time. Evie was sleeping in her room and June was out like a light in the swing in front of our front window. It was actually a quite peaceful morning with the sun shinning in. Nora was coloring quietly at the coffee table and I was busy tidying up. As I walked passed the front window to peak at June-bug I noticed something unusual. There was a cop car right outside of our house.
It is not that unusual to see police in our neighborhood but this caught my eye bc his car was parked in the middle of the road completely blocking traffic. Strange. As I stood there watching I could not believe what happend next. The front door of his vehicle flew open and out he came, weapon drawn. Holy Cats! It wasn't even his regular gun but a large rifle. He was pointing it down the street. As I looked in the direction of his pointed gun I saw three other cop cars parked in various postions surrounding a green suv. All of those officers also had guns drawn and were pointing them at the suv.
This is the point I realized I should stop watching and start protecting my children. Duh! I calmly told Nora to go sit on the floor and not to get up. Then, I knelt next to June's swing watching to see if we were in fact unsafe. I also grabbed my phone and called Jamie. I just had to tell someone what was going on.
We live across the street from and elementary school and the kids were out at recess. Withen a minute they had all the kids inside and I saw teachers closing the shades in the windows.
While that was going on I saw them approach the vehicle and a rather shady looking individual got out with his hands behind his head. They took him down in the middle of the street and handcuffed him. They put him in the back of a cop car and then a woman climbed out the drivers side and was also arrested. They then searched the vehicle and finally put their guns away after about 5 more minutes. Eventually, things died down and several police cars left. After the comotion was over and there were only two police officers left my curiosity couldn't take it anymore.
I went outside and asked if everything was okay and if there was any reason to be worried about my kids saftey.
They assured me everything was okay and that it was a misunderstanding over a vehicle listed as stolen.
Well, if nothing else, it certainly made for an exciting morning for one stay at home mommy.