Thursday, November 18, 2010

Music Class

Today we were invited to go to a music class for babies/preschoolers by our good friend Elijah.

I wasn't able to take photos as the class keeps you very busy but it was such a fun time. The girls just loved it. They get to play with instruments, scarfs, magic wands, and balls (Elijah's favorite!). All the while they are learning basic principles of rythm and music. We even danced a little. Shh! Don't tell the Baptists :)
It took Nora one or two songs to jump in but by the end she was bouncing with the best of em. Evelyn loved every minute of it and kept bobbing up and down, clapping and saying "yay!". Hehe, I think she like it :)
Thanks for inviting us Elijah! It was such fun!


  1. oh no! Did Elijah get a hair cut too?! This sounds like such fun! I bet the kids were adorable!

  2. The pic is from this summer...Fear not, his hair is still super cute and curly :)

  3. Dancing??!!! So, I shouldn't tell you that we have dance parties in our living room :) We love to dance in this house. Our boys are crazy about it.
