Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Laundry-The Bain of my existence

I HATE LAUNDRY! If I could give up any house hold chore it would be laundry, hands down. Dust? Sure. Mop? Okay. Toilets? No biggie. I would gladly do any of them over doing the laundry. I have tried many systems and all of them have failed. One load a day, one laundry day a week, etc. I just seem to be forever drowning in laundry. Perhaps part of my attitude stems from being down in the "dungeon". I hate our cold damp basement and more than one trip down there in a day is just too much for me to bear. Or, perhaps it's the fact that for the last 3 years I have been pregnant or in some stage of baby-land. All of which makes this chore more difficult. Whatever the reason I just don't like doing the laundry. So, here's my question. How do you tackle your laundry? Do you hate it as much as I do? If so, how do you tame your laundry monster?


  1. Mindy thought the same way.. and she hasn't done laundry in YEARS. Eric has taken that as his job, that is where she said would be the MOST helpful... maybe that will work for you. Sorry Jamie ;)

  2. I think the worst thing about laundry is that it never stops! Just when you feel like you've caught up, you know just a few days later, you'll be doing it again! I found that keeping two clothes hampers in our bedrooms has helped - one for whites and one for colored. Every couple of days, I sort the boys' laundry into this as well. When I'm ready to do laundry, everything is already pre-sorted.

  3. Get a Laundry Room Angel that's what I have! :) That was code for writing, 'I'm spoiled, and never moving out.'

  4. I love doing laundry. I hate putting away. My trick is to Tivo a good show and divide into piles and fold. Also have the smallest amount of clothes to get by and you don't have to do as much. You are doing great.

  5. wow Can't imagine! I like to have one day for laundry and allow myself not to do other chores that day. then inbetween loads i can enjoy a show, craft time, or other reward that makes it worth it. dumping it all on the our bed when its dry seems to also be a good way to get help folding it (since he can't go to sleep w/o atleast moving all the clean clothes to the floor!). YOU'RE STILL A ROCK START!
