Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Big 3

I am so glad to have my computer back and to have the pictures I promised you. Here are some photos from my baby's birthday party. I can't believe she's 3!

It's a little hard to see but I made this tank for her and it was kind of the inspiration for the decor.

I made these "streamers" using ribbon and some paper flowers and hung them all about the room. They were in the window and on the doors and hanging from the lights.

The "tablescape" as Sandra Lee would call it was also pink and black. I sprinkled little flowers around the table but the centerpiece was a fabulous cake made by my friend Becca.

Sorry for the sideways photo. This cake was just perfect for the party. It brought everything together and was soooo yummy!

I don't know if Nora got her wish but we all sure had a good time celebrating this milestone with her. This is just another reminder of how quickly time goes and how I need to try and absorb everything to the best of my ability because it won't be long before my babies are grown.

Happy Birthday Nora!


  1. What great photos... good job Martha :)

    What a cake! Amazing Becca's :)

  2. What a cute party! Glad the cake worked out so well! Thanks for asking me to do it!
